Het grote 'Gooi het eruit' topic!

vandaag m'n telecom operator even lastiggevallen.

Hello, iichel

Please find below a copy of the information you submitted.
Dear Orange,

I'm a little bit upset. And therapy has taught me that it is good to talk about it. So if you can please spend some time listening to it, I would be very grateful. I'm not mad at you, don't worry.

A little over a year ago, I moved to Switzerland to work here. By origin and by moral, I'm Dutch and proud of being so. In fact, I'm so Dutch, a lot of things I like are orange.

For example, I have orange shoes, I have two orange coffee machines. I have an orange M&M on my office desk that someone gave to me. I wrote Microsoft an e-mail that they should add the 'highlight in orange' to their Microsoft Word package (Outlook does have it, so why not Word?).

In my home, I have orange towels, an orange umbrella, orange bed sheets, as a Dutch cyclist I have a lot of orange cycling clothes.

Did you know that the origin of our love for orange actually comes from the 16th century when the Spaniards had a war with our country and our resistance was led by stadtholder 'Willem van Oranje' (William of Orange) and he succesfully defended for quite a while? After that, he was called the 'Father of the Nation' and was crowned to be our first king.

Anyways, even my boss, who is very Swiss, gave me home-made cookies but did so in an orange gift bag. If you would come to my work in the Swiss Paraplegic Center and you ask if someone likes orange, they will send you directly to my desk. In fact, there are two things I love more than orange and that's my mother and Nutella. Girlfriend comes fourth. Sorry Rosa.
So now you might have an impression about how much I love orange.

So, back to last year. I came to Switzerland and I had to have a Swiss mobile phone number for various reasons. The bank needed it for SMS verification, my friends wanted to call me, I wanted to look cool etcetera etcetera. So initially I had a Swisscom abo because that was the easiest (we all have our sins) but as soon as I got my residence permit, the first thing I did was chaning my mobile phone subscription to... Orange! Of course! Because that is the only logic choice.

And I was so happy when last year, the "Orange CH" appared on my phone! Every time I go to my family, I have to pass through Germany and as soon as the "Orange CH" network operator appeared on my phone, I felt like a welcome. Not like the customs at the A61/A1 in Basel.

I hope you see where this is going. This morning it broke my heart to see 'Salt' on my phone instead of the well trusted and comforting "Orange CH".

I am asking you, no, I'm begging you, please put back my "Orange CH". Or at least tell me how to do it. People are making fun of me, I've spent the entire car trip to Nottwil crying in my car (and that's exactly 18 minutes and 31 seconds). If we don't act quick, I might need more therapy.

With my best regards, and a tear,
Weet iemand misschien waar ik soort gelijke 'matjes' vind voor onder me handrem?

EDIT: excuses voor de grote van deze foto, ik ben nog niet zo handig met foto's plaatsen op forums..
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