Polo AW Front Genuine LED Headlights Retro Fitted

Nice work @Scotty-Polo1973 , cool that you actually had the minerals to do it yourself, quite the task but the result is great. The leds compliment the design whereas the halogens do the exact opposite IMO
Volkswagen  2022 Polo Business R+ 
Nice, I would go for OEM headlights too, looking back at all the issues and downsides aftermarket LED headlights have.
But I do like my angle eyes. :cool:
Volkswagen  Polo AW Highline 
Same for me, love the light the LED headlights give, but DRL doesn't dim when the low beams are on, so a bit bright during the night.
Next to that, the current aftermarket LED headlights I have are set a bit high, so sometimes, other cars sign to me.
Will check if I can lower them a bit myself, asked the VW dealer to do it, but they say they are set at the right level.
So hopefully I can still lower them a bit more myself and then they are fine and great as well.
Volkswagen  Polo AW Highline 
Today i retro fitted the Genuine LED Headlights to my 2018 vw polo AW.

A big job but well worth it in the end,Amazing light from these compared to the Halogen Lights that were originally fitted to my polo

ScottPolo AW LED Wiring.jpg
Hey Scott!
I hope you will still see this since its an old thread. Honestly good job! It's really impressive.
I was hoping you could elaborate a tiny bit on how you did it.

I have recently acquired the OEM Ledlights and want to fit them. I noticed I need a kit for it as well...

Did you basically use this as well? I do understand most of the items and have seen how the level sensor for example is done, but your wiring, how did you manage to find what was what?

Thank you in advance.
Volkswagen  Polo 2G AW1 
Hey Scott!
I hope you will still see this since its an old thread. Honestly good job! It's really impressive.
I was hoping you could elaborate a tiny bit on how you did it.

I have recently acquired the OEM Ledlights and want to fit them. I noticed I need a kit for it as well...

Did you basically use this as well? I do understand most of the items and have seen how the level sensor for example is done, but your wiring, how did you manage to find what was what?

Thank you in advance.
Maybe @iichel can help you with the wiring :)
and skip the coding dongle and code it manually. Saves a lot of money
that's a super good point! I was already annoyed by how expensive it was gonna be for a one time use.
I am still wondering if on aliexpress i would be cheaper but then again the set makes it less of a headache to search for the right parts.
Volkswagen  Polo 2G AW1 
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